And you thought I was random BEFORE...

Monday, May 01, 2006


My BRAIN hurts! I have a migraine, and I am going to tough this one out, so help me God!!! It's the start of crunch week here at Study4Finals Central, and I am already wanting to be done. Sadly, I don't get that much of a break. I get a night in Etown, and then a Bridal Shower, and then a yardsale, and then I'm back at school. Maybe I'll get a night with Alan somewhere in there. I am so stinkin lucky that he understands that I have a lot of crap going on. It's funny how I don't HAVE to fit him into my schedule - he just kinda falls in there. I know that my other blog page is supposed to be for relationship stuff, but I am really focusing on the fact that I have been blessed in this relationship beyond belief. We so often look at each other and say "Ok - so where's the catch?" Ahh - I think I'm going to leave work if Melissa doesn't have anything for me to do. It's not like I really get enough money offa this joke anyways. And besides, I don't have any appointments, and there is SO much more I could be doing elsewhere.

I miss Seth a lot. I e-mailed him yesterday, and he sent me one back. I'm so happy to know that he's alright. I love talking to him - he's so down-to-earth and he's a great Christian balance for me. I hope I get to see him soonly.

Thank you dear Lord that Alan takes the initiative and the time to say "Let's pray". MAN - I love doing that with him.

And is it possible that I can go through an ENTIRE day without anything BAD happening? My prayer list is about 3 pages LONG!!! And I'm not even the one that has to take care of it!!! So guess it's not a case of "Why me?" but "Why God?" b/c he has to handle everything.

Ahh - the beauty of a blog page - wonderfully random, totally accessible and no pressure to use the backspace key.


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