And you thought I was random BEFORE...

Friday, April 28, 2006

The ride home

Life is a barrage of faces. This face, that name, that guy, this girl. Meaning nothing, meaning the world. And trying to keep them all straight, is a barrage to the brain. Step in time to the music, don't miss a beat or you'll be dropped. Spin, smile, turn, cry, dip, BREATHE, laugh, twirl, live, jump, love. Life is a dance of many partners - which song will you remember?

Thursday, April 27, 2006


I just discovered that these posts have index limits on them. Go figure.

But I knew that I had lost my heart to a rockstar, after the encore. Kurt had walked offstage (left) and had waved to Rachel and I on the way off. (Of course, we went nuts.) Well, JD's gorgeous self was walking offstage, and he had pointed to some random spots in the audience. BUT, then he stopped on our end of the stage on his way off, and (oh Lord, I'm getting chills) POINTED at us, and said/yelled "You guys fucking rock! I fucking love you guys!" I lost it. Rachel lost it. Alan and Nathan lost it. And it was a full half hour before I got all of it back. Rachel and I grabbed each other and starting jumping up and down, screaming. And then I grabbed Alan and started screaming. He was laughing so hard (joyful, not laughing AT).

Man, that concert was freaking awesome. Rachel and I still screamed every 20 seconds once we got outside. Rachel gave me her e-mail address, so we'll keep in touch. Alan and I were told that we have to stay with them if we ever come to Knoxville. I'm looking forward to seeing them again.

I'll remember that forever. Thanks, Alan, for taking me along to that. ;-)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! Ok, now I'll get into the actual story. I just wanted to say that INXS was totally freaking awesome!!! I loved EVERY MINUTE of that concert!!!

Alan and I walked around downtown Nashville for about 30-45 min, which was really nice, and would've been more fun had I worn more comfortable shoes. Downtown Nashville is surprisingly...upscale, in a country sort of way. I had a lot of fun being down there. Prom was going on, so one saw all TYPES of attire. I'd almost say I'm glad to be out of that.

So we get to the Ryman (FINALLY) and into our seats, which are on the balcony, right on the aisle, on the left side of the stage, front row. Awesome spot - props go to Alan all the way. We sit down next to this couple, who we had never seen before in our lives. TOTALLY HIT IT OFF!!! Rachel and Nathan were awesome!!! 27 and 32, respectively, and we all acted like we were 16yr olds at a concert. It was so cool being with them.

The opening band - Dirtie Blonde - would've been MUCH better had the sound worked good, but it just opened up an opportunity for us to get to know Rachel and Nathan better.

Have mercy (;D) when JD Fortune waltzed his sexy ass out on stage, I thought Rachel and I were going to die. They opened with 'Suicide Blonde' and I did not stop dancing until the house lights came back on. All four of us danced, and sang and SCREAMED the whole night long. I think Alan and I made a few people behind us sick, but who the heck cares!!! It was an INXS concert!!! JD's body and voice just MOANED (heehee) sex, and the two bras that flew on stage (neither one were mine, but if I had a red one on, and a way to get it to him, I would've done the same) can attribute to that.

I was hanging on to Alan for half the concert, and we were singing in each other's ears/faces and dancing together, alone. I danced with Rachel, and we made the biggest scene! Such a scene in fact, that the lead guitarist/saxaphone player looked up at us 2 or 3 times. Seriously - looked up at us, and laughed once, when Rachel and I were being stupid.

Before I forget, here's the set list, borrowed from the forum:
Suicide Blonde
Devil's Party
Perfect Strangers
By My Side
Taste It
Original Sin
God's Top Ten
(Amazing Grace)
Elegantly Wasted
Never Let You Go
Need You Tonight
What You Need
Pretty Vegas

New Sensation
Never Tear Us Apart
Hot Girls
Don't Change

'Mistify Me' is in there somewhere, but I'm not sure where. I loved every song that came out of those amps. The entire concert was totally awesome - minus the VERY drunk lady that kept walking by us. I thought Rachel was going to push her over out of sheer meanness - although it would've been freaking hilarious!!!

The best part is yet to be told: Rachel and I (when I say 'Rachel and I' I mean 'all four of us' - Rachel and I were just the most obnoxious) were standing really close to the rail, and everytime one of the band memembers would look in our direction, we would scream. We got Kurt's attention a few times, as I already told. BUT - we got JD to look at us, MORE than once. Like, four times. Once, when he was on our end of the stage, he looked up and SMILED at us. I felt myself melt - I think I might've had a music orgasm. Just thinking of his smile turns me into a hopeless groupie. I about yanked Alan's arm off at that point. (He got quite possesive/physical during the concert :D)

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Chicks Dig Scars

I would just like to say "OWWWW!!!" I went caving last Friday with some of the HFC crew, and I am bruised and scratched in places that aren't supposed to be! My knees look HORRIBLE and I have a nice scratch on my back that prevents me from leaning all the way back in my chair. But, oh, it was fun. At least the first few hours - the last hour I was just trying to make it back. I will admit, the fun went downhill when Alan left - but it was understandable. By the end of the 5 hour tour, I was soaked from the chest down, and covered in mud ALL over, INCLUDING my hair. I am still horridly sore, and my arms were already hurting on Friay night. We went down two waterfalls, and I got to see 4 bats and a cave-adapted crayfish. It was hard work, but the sights were beautiful. I was cold, but so happy. It was the good exhausted feeling. Alan and I DRAINED the hot water heated at the house. I think I steamed off most of the dirt, the water was so hot. But it felt soooooo good. I don't think I've ever slept harder than I did on friday night, either. I complain, and complain about the after-effects, but I know that I will be going back into the cave later on this summer. And I am SO looking forward to it!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Storey to storey
Building to building
Street to street
We pass each other
Storey to storey
Building to building
Street to street
We pass each other on the stairs

So many people have the same story, the same life as the person next to them, but can't talk about a single thing, becuase of the fear of ridicule.

A hidden crush, a secret longing, that you keep inside about that boy you sit next to in class, or the girl you see walk into the store everyday. Why don't we say anything? We know it will be the best relationship of our lives, but we are so scared to take the first step.

Don't pass each other by.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I'm totally getting into this thing - I know, I'm weird. But it helps to have...something to talk to. It's really warm in the computer lab on 3rd floor of Grise, and my hair smells like hamburgers (thanks to the Grand Opening) but there's something so wonderfully soothing about hearing the typing of the keyboards and the repetitive whirring of the fan blades desperately trying to beat the heat. I hear soft murmurs as I hear Josh ask the poor girl sitting next to him what the answer is for our SimNet exam that we're taking in about 30 min. He hasn't done the test yet. I'm halfway through the second one, for the 3rd time. I should be doing something constructive right now, what with all the assignments that my professors decided to give the last few weeks of school. But no, I'm sitting here, switching back and forth between assignments, revelling in the freedom and stress that is college.


Wow. If the day gets any more eventful, I think I'll join Sean in his breakdown. I was at the gym this morning, biking away, and I look up on WBKO, and I see a missing person's report. But I know this person. It's Jay Hunter VanHooser, my little brother's friend from grade/middle school. He didn't go to school yesterday, and he didn't show up from work, and nobody knew where he was. The report said that he was suffering from depression and 'suicidal tendencies.' (Man - I hate that term.) Talk about a shock. I called Caleb when I got into the locker room, and Caleb didn't know anything about it. I said a small prayer, and quickly lost myself in work. Caleb called me in the middle of the day, terrifyingly upset. 'They' found Hunter, in a hotel room: he had shot himself.

How? How does a life get so bad, that the only way out is to die? How is there NO bright spot? Your parents divorce, your dad gets remarried, and the only to kill yourself?

God, be with the students at Greenwood as they remember Hunter, and be with his mother, father and Nick as they come to grips with this horror. God, watch his soul, and please have mercy upon this teenager.
Wow - Day 1. I never thought I'd actually succomb to these things, but the pressure of needing an outlet was just too much. :) If anyone actually DOES read this, it won't be fancy or artistic or incredibly insightful. It will just be a continuation of what I normally do - ramble. About random stuff. One might see song lyrics, or poems, or stories in place of the innerworkings of my mind, and that just means that's what actually up there, working. So for those about to rock - I salute you!